Archive for July, 2012

Where is Tozeur?

Tozeur, TunisiaTozeur is an oasis town sandwiched between two enormous salt lakes being Chott el Jerid and Chott el Gharsa. It’s position is remote in the south-west region of Tunisia and generally off the tourist trail – making it well worth the effort to visit.

Tozeur is well-known for its date production from the thousands of date palms within the oasis. These dates are exported all over. In the medina of Tozeur, you can find traditional architecture, fashion and workmanship. The architecture in particular is eye catching with its yellow/brownish brickwork displaying floral motifs and intricate patterns. On the out skirts of Tozeur is a private museum, DarCheraït, which is devoted to southern Tunisia’s history and everyday life.

Lonely Planet Tunisia


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of Tozeur

One Great Reason to Visit Tozeur

One great reason to visit this travel destination is to experience a north African oasis town. It’s remote and not easily accessible and so not teaming with tourists!

Tozeur, Tunisia

For More Information

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Take a stroll down Melbourne’s Hosier Lane

On Sunday I enjoyed a family outing in my home city of Melbourne. We rarely venture into the city as we prefer heading out of the city, rather than into it! Melbourne dished up a glorious winter’s day of clear blue skies and we really did make a day of it. If you don’t live in Australia like I do, you can plan your trip to Melbourne with Expedia. One of the highlights was trooping up and down the many lane ways. Hosier Lane was the pick with these displays of graffiti and street art. Here is a small sample of what we saw.


Graffiti in Melbourne's Hosier Lane


Graffiti in Melbourne's Hosier Lane




Hosier Lane graffiti


Like some more ideas of things to see in Melbourne? Pop on over and read 7 Things To Do In Marvellous Melbourne

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Travel Photo of the Week: Alicante Summer Festival

The Spanish seaside resort town of Alicante, which by-the-way has a marina full of multi-million dollar yachts, recently celebrated the arrival of summer with a huge culture parade. The photo below shows women in their traditional Spanish dress. The parade and celebrations last all night.

Summer festival in Alicante, Spain

Photo courtesy of Australian reader Helen.

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