Archive for May, 2011

Where is the Giant’s Causeway?

The Giant's Causeway is located on the northern coast of Northern Ireland.The Giant’s Causeway is located on the Antrim coast of Northern Ireland. I visited the area during 1988 when visiting Northern Ireland where my maternal Grandmother came from.

I was taken by the Giant’s Causeway, with its rugged landscape and the tops of the columns forming stepping stones which are hexagonal in shape. The area is made up of approximately 40,000 of these interlocking, hexagonal basalt columns, which resulted from an ancient volcanic eruption. The Giant’s Causeway was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO during 1986 and is today owned and managed by the National Trust. It is the most popular tourist attraction in Northern Ireland.

A Companion to the Causeway Coast Way


TravelTipsPlus Google Map of the Giant’s Causeway

One Great Reason to Visit the Giant’s Causeway

One great reason to visit this travel destination is to enjoy the rugged stepping stone landscape.

Giant’s Causeway

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Official Tourist Board visitor information for the Causeway and surrounding area
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    Travel Photo of the Week: Solitude in the Sahara Desert

    A trek into the Sahara Desert by camel whilst in Morocco was experienced by Travel Tips Plus reader Julie. The trek was just a small group and allowed for many peaceful moments to enjoy the complete solitude the desert environment creates. The camels lumbered up and down the rolling dunes, passing only the odd tussock of grass and as evening came, the red, rolling dunes were replaced by a deep, black sky dotted with zillions of twinkling stars.

    Shadows on the Sahara Desert, Morocco

    Photo courtesy of Australian reader Julie.

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    From my bedroom window, if I stand on tippy-toes and cock my head, I have a fabulous view out to Mount Dandenong. Whilst not a big mountain, it is the highest point close to Melbourne’s CBD and I am right at the foothills making it very accessible to some favourite spots and all within a 15 minute drive! How lucky are we?

    In the short fifteen minute drive from our home, the road weaves up the side of the mountain, past tree ferns, towering mountain ash gum trees, through the small mountain villages of Sassafras and Olinda to the summit. From here, there is a spectacular view eastwards over the eastern suburbs of Melbourne to the city centre which is clearly marked by the towering skyscrapers but is totally peaceful and far removed from the chaos of city life.

    Throughout the Dandenongs there are some well-known landmarks that are frequented by both national and international visitors. The most well-known being the historic steam train ‘Puffing Billy‘. The journey carries its passengers along a 24km stretch of track from Belgrave to Gembrook through forests and over the famous wooden trestle bridge built in 1899.

    Another well-know location is the ‘William Ricketts Sanctuary‘. A four-acre property purchased by sculptor William Ricketts during the 1930s ended up expanding by the 1960s when the Victorian Government purchased the adjoining properties. William Ricketts remained on the property and continued to produce his Australian sculptures that can be enjoyed throughout the outdoor gallery, until his death in 1993 when he was 94 years of age.

    There are also many less-known and well hidden treasures dotted through the hills. One of my favourites for that true velvet escape experience is the ‘Alfred Nicholas Gardens‘. Set on a steep slope opposite Sherbrooke Forest is a magnificent garden of rhododendrons, camelias, azaleas and other exotics dwarfed by the surrounding mountain ash eucalypts.

    Taking the path that meanders down the hill through the garden, you arrive to a small, secluded lake with small walkway bridges and families of ducks. At the end of the lake is a little, wooden boat shed framed by the garden and mirrored by its reflection in the lake. It’s an image that could be straight from a fairytale book. It’s not unusual to have this secluded spot all to yourself!

    This post was originally written for Velvet Escape.

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