Archive for August, 2010

The Sweet Sounds from Ayub Ogada

Ayub Ogada is a musician from Kenya, Africa and plays the nyatiti (a lyre-like stringed instrument), he went to the U.K. and played on the streets for money. A short time later, he was asked to play at Peter Gabriel’s WOMAD festival.

I was introduced to his sweet, gentle sounds whilst watching Charley Boorman and Ewen McGregor’s series ‘Long Way Down’ which covered their fun-filled adventure from northern Africa to South Africa. This song was used a couple of times during the series and it was hauntingly beautiful.

Kothbiro – Ayub Ogada

En Mana Kuoyo by Ayub Ogada

For More Information

  • Wikipedia
  • Ayub Ogada on Facebook
  • Related Posts with Thumbnails

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