Archive for October, 2009

  • Appears to be a spamming bot going around re 'excess fat loss' but DMs are by known connections. I doubt they've sent them. #
  • Welcome some fab' new followers: @marcharrison @liquidadventure @willywinegirl @trev_yule @the_walking_man @jasewatson @OnyaMag @SarinaRusso #
  • @SachaCrouch Thought as much! I've seen other tweets saying similar spamming messages. The spamming etc does get #boring in reply to SachaCrouch #
  • Do you need a PA but don't want to take on an employee? Ever considered using a #VirtualAssistant #
  • Clearly not 'real' ppl! RT @Interesting stat from purging all followers … I was unfollowed automatically by around 14,000 people… #
  • Playing with Facebook Apps & adding tabs to client's Business Pages – Youtube, Events etc #
  • A big thank you to all those that have added me to a 'List'. For a great read about the new 'Lists' -> by @Lurquer #
  • We're heading Queenscliff direction! RT @CharlotteLilly Morning from the Murray. #
  • Amazing storm in Melbourne over night & have woken to a very steamy morning. #
  • @AndrewBlanda So has #TBNN been confirmed for the 11th? in reply to AndrewBlanda #
  • RT @WayneMansfield Twearls of Wisdom: Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads & empty hearts can do that. Norman V Peale #
  • A big thank you to all those that have added me to a 'List'. For a great read about the new 'Lists' -> by @Lurquer #
  • '50 Ways This #VirtualAssistant Can Assist You and Your Business' #
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  • RT @the_walking_man The walk for sustainability starts March 2010 Melbourne to Brisbane via the Bicentennial Trail #
  • RT @ricraftis Why I'm Mass Purging My Twitter Followers #
  • Great morning with @LarnaPittiglio followed by a catchup with @Gustodian – definitely time for a bite of lunch now! #
  • RT @parentingmentor Like promotion for your bus'? Is your target market women or bus' owners? Sponsor @ThePhoenixLunch #
  • RT @marcharrison Short-Term Thinking May Be Killing Your Business: #
  • Not a prob! Heaps of resources out there. RT @beachandcruise @kirsty_wilson Thx a beach for the follow and unfollow link – very helpful! #
  • RT @robhartnett Selling Strategies – Sales Performance Leaders & Miller Heiman Accredited Sales Training #
  • Hi folks! Mind dropping me a recommendation at ? Much appreciated! #MrTweet #
  • Does anyone know if Michael Palin is on Twitter? #travel #
  • Thanks for the replies! @SophieR @SiDawson @Travelwriticus @Idoby2 Now he would be a great #travel tweep to have here. #
  • “Challenges make life interesting; overcoming them make life meaningful” Joshua J Marine #quote #
  • RT @rebeccamezzino Off to the Morella Community Centre to run a "Get Organised for Xmas" workshop. You're welcome… #
  • RT @geoffreygordon 10 Essential Entrepreneurs to Follow on Twitter. This series is supported by Grasshopper… #
  • RT @sassisam Another twitter phishing scam: #
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  • RT @b2bnetworking Use networking to beat home business blues by @yarostarak #
  • @journeyjottings Hey, hope you're enjoying your time having your brother visiting from France? in reply to journeyjottings #
  • Wondering how @michaelgrainger & @rubydoor meeting is going. Waiting for an update!! #twitterromance 😉 #
  • RT @TravelWonders New Blog Entry: The Fairytale Mining Town (Goslar, Germany) #travel #
  • Love it!! RT @CreativePartner I LOVE that video! :-) For all working moms: #
  • @AndrewBlanda You organising a Taco Bill night when down? That might be a goer. Not sure if I can get to #twums now. :-S in reply to AndrewBlanda #
  • @journeyjottings Great to hear. Where have you been so far? in reply to journeyjottings #
  • RT @robhartnett What are Sales Leaders thinking about? Check … ebook Chronicles of a Sales Leader from Bill Golder #
  • RT @JodiAceVA Great article on the VA industry: VA's are the new PA's ! Yeah! #
  • @journeyjottings Lovely! I love the Mt Warning, Byron Bay, Kyogle areas. Not been there for donkeys years though. in reply to journeyjottings #
  • RT @a_web_designer PAs would have less time organizing an itinerary for their bosses when they organize their trips on TRIPIT.COM #
  • RT @LanceScoular The launch of Windows 7 only highlights how appalling Vista was. Jeanne-Vida Douglas #
  • RT @peace_ Our book is available at @Lunalei its just $20.00 & makes a great gift for new & expectant mums #
  • @vipvirtualsols Any word from @michaelgrainger yet? I bet he didn't sleep a wink last night! in reply to vipvirtualsols #
  • Yes, a nice drop. RT @jenbishopsydney Having a glass of wine at my desk. Brokenwood Cricket Pitch. Yum yum #
  • RT @abcnews Legions of FB users have united to demand the social networking service undo changes to its home page #
  • @vipvirtualsols Well, that's not much fun!! Have we all been dumped now? 😉 in reply to vipvirtualsols #
  • I'm on LinkedIn if you think connecting would be a great idea. You can find me at #
  • Sounds good! RT @ttam did sum google mapping Forest Hill 2b most central @endlessblush @AndrewBlanda @MaddisonDesigns @mr_billiam @SandiMon #
  • A couple of interesting articles. RT @howard61 The past and future of twitter: & #
  • RT @ianrharris The Blowfly: Some old Prime Ministers dont seem to die, but they still leave a bad smell! #
  • @tim_butcher Good evening from warm Melbourne! You to can enjoy that soon. I have already added you to my 'Melb' List!! in reply to tim_butcher #
  • RT @jenny_wood Easily put horizontal lines into a Word doc: #
  • Shelley needs one more for 800! RT @shelleypearson Whoo hoo nearly 800 followers! Help me reach 1000 by 1st Jan please :-) #
  • Anyone else having DM issues? They seem to take forever to arrive & no email notification of DMs for days. #
  • Well good to hear it's not just me missing my DMs! @jadpad @LMStellaPR @Paul_Rasmussen @houseofturtle @Smoph @Puggles99 #
  • "Because of our routines we forget that life is an ongoing adventure" Maya Angelou #quote #
  • Tweet Grammar Devotional, include this link -> and you're entered to win a copy of @GrammarGirl new book. #
  • That's excellent! RT @CheyanneBrae Nice to see our Chief Happiness Officer @iconic88 at #13 here (((((huggs))))) #
  • RT @iggypintado Looking forward to an enchanting evening of social networking in Sydney at #noxnet #
  • RT @funlilliy – I loved the colors and graphs on these Indian carpets. #
  • RT @traveldudes Learn a bit Hawaiian "pidgin" English #travel tip #
  • You can have that! I'll enjoy our 28C. RT @JasonsTravels #Denver is expected to get up to 14" of snow in the next two days. Yikes! #
  • Will be busy working on Part B of a 4 part Training Manual for a client today. #virtualassistant #
  • @JasonsTravels Sounds exciting & I love storms but 14" snow can only = FREEZING weather. I hate the cold. Anything under 18C is cold! in reply to JasonsTravels #
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