You should always keep male Bettas away from other betta fish.
This is especially so when it comes to other males. Bettas are highly territorial and they'll even fight to their death.
If you intend to introduce a Betta fish into an existing tank of established community fish, try and avoid inhabiting them with fish like "fin nippers" or other tropical fish that may agitate or even feed on the slower moving Bettas.
It's a good idea every now and then to place a reflective mirror in front of your male Betta for a little entertaining exercise.
But don't leave the mirror in front of him for too long otherwise he will get exhausted and stress out!
It's also a good idea to keep your aquarium tank covered with a lid at all times. Bettas have a habit of jumping out of a jar or a round bowl. Even a piece of thin plastic sheet works great as a clear secure lid.
Side point: If you have reason to search the Internet for Betta fish tips and advice on how to take care of your new pet Betta remember that you should type "betta fish care" and not "beta fish"
Because its a very common misspelling of the word Betta. By making sure that you add the extra "T" you'll ensure that you get the right search results that you're looking for.
By looking after your betta fish will mean that you'll get real enjoyment from your pet Betta for up to--two to three years!
Let's hope that you wind-up with a happy and healthy Betta pet who'll provide you with much joy and pleasure!
Side point: Oh, one last thing. Always make sure you disinfect your plastic scoop or net and store thses items in a dry and safe place. Enjoy!