Interesting Facts About Female Betta Fish
Female betta fish tend to have much shorter fins, and with less vibrant bright colors. Although on rare occasions, female betta fish can display as much color as a male.
However, this is the exception and not the rule.
Generally speaking, breeding females usually dispaly horizontal stripes and/or darker vertical lines across their body and sometimes their fins as well.
The majority of female betta fish are raised in large tanks along with other females. So female Bettas are genuinely used to a type of community living and are much more tolerant of having other female bettas as tank roomates.
Keep this in mind because you should be able to keep about 4 to 6 females in say a ten gallon aquarium tank.
If you don't put more than four to six female Bettas in the same tank, then as a group they will coexist harmoniously and peacefully and will not cause you any extra problems.
The Pecking Order of Female Betta Fish
It doesn't necessarliy indicate that female bettas fish aren't still very much your hierarchical fish.
What this means is: when a new female Betta is introduced into a tank (that other females are living) they'll tend to "pick" on each other before they settle down again. Usually with female Bettas nobody gets seriously hurt during this type of squabble.
Keep in mind that this is normal behavior of female bettas.
Although you will notice some fin flaring during their squabbling. All female Bettas will eventually sucumb to a mutual pecking order with one of the more dominant femal Betta. Once this occurs things tend to settle down considerably.
That's why is a good idea to keep no more than Six female Bettas in a single group otherwise... things may get somewhat nasty for one of the female Bettas.
Should you put a male in with a female? **NO!** Not unless you want them to breed. Otherwise, it's really better to keep female Betta fish totally separate from male Bettas.